Macallan Fine Oak 18 Year

Macallan Fine Oak 18 years old scotch whiskey


The macallan fine oak 18, is triple-cask developed in a one of a kind blend of outstanding oak barrels. Notwithstanding European oak barrels prepared with Sherry, both American oak containers prepared with Sherry and American oak containers prepared with whiskey are likewise utilized.

The exceptional characteristics of every container and The Macallan’s enduring promise to regular shading present an unpredictable test of guaranteeing predictable quality, character and shading a seemingly endless amount of time. To accomplish this, a great many individual barrels are tested to choose those that will at last be hitched together before packaging.

Among specialists, Macallan Fine Oak 18 Year, is an exceptionally very much refreshing articulation in the center range. The fluid is dazzling, wealthy in season yet magnificently smooth and sensitive.

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70 CL